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YWCA Pledge of Respect

Welcome to YWCA's Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® 2019!

About the Event

YWCA Walk A Mile in Her Shoes® is a pledge-based fundraiser where men walk in high heels to raise awareness of issues of family violence. Funds raised will support services for survivors of family violence and sexual assault at YWCA's Sara McKnight Transitional Living Center. The TLC provides housing, case management, life skills, education opportunities, and much more to women and their children who are experiencing homelessness. The majority of women and families who live at the TLC are survivors of some domestic violence, abuse, or other trauma. Walk A Mile in Her Shoes® benefits these women and children and makes it possible for them to achieve independence and a second chance.

Learn more about how this event affects lives:

Why Walk?

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Date & Time

Thursday, October 17, 2019

4:30 pm: Registration and shoe pick-up begins

6 pm: Program and walk

6:30 pm: Anson 11 After Party and awards ceremony


Anson 11, Downtown El Paso


$25 general registration

$20 student/military registration

You must register to participate.


NEW OPTION! Pay to NOT Wear Heels: $300

Take a more relaxing stroll around San Jacinto Plaza in the red shoes of your choice. Pay $300 at the time of registration and have an easier time. Your feet feel great and so do you because you are still supporting YWCA's Sara McKnight Transitional Living Center and the survivors of abuse and trauma we serve there. 

General Registration: $25

Register and receive this year's official Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® t-shirt and participant bag. When you raise an additional $125 (or $150 total) before October 1st, you will receive a free pair of signature red high heels! Want to get out of wearing heels, but still want to walk? This year, raise $275 and wear any shoes you want. We encourage you to form a team and reach out to friends, family, coworkers, to help you reach your goal. After October 1st, shoes are available on a first come, first served basis.

General Registration for Student/Military: $20

Register and receive this year's official Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® t-shirt and participant bag. When you raise an additional $130 (or $150 total) before October 1st, you will receive a free pair of signature red high heels! We encourage you to form a team and reach out to friends, family, coworkers, to help you reach your goal. After October 1st, shoes are available on a first come, first served basis.

Registration Special Guest: No Fees

This category requires prearrangement with event organizer