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Welcome to YWCA's Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® 2020!
We need your support to support survivors of domestic violence and END domestic violence!
About The 2020 Event
The 2020 Walk A Mile in Her Shoes® is going to look quite different this year. We can't get together and actually walk together, but the event must go on, so we are going virtual!
When: Monday, October 12 - Sunday, October 25th
- Register for Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
- Crowdfund with your friends, family, colleagues
- Take a walk by yourself or socially distanced with your team, take photos in your heels and tag them #ywcawalkamile to be shared throughout the virtual event
Purchase additional masks, women's t-shirts, or additional men's t-shirts HERE.
- 2020 saw an increase in domestic violence. With stay-at-home orders, school and business closures, increased mental and financial stress, instances of domestic violence increased.
- On average, a woman will return to an abusive relationship seven times before ending the relationship permanently. With the various factors introduced by COVID-19, it is more important than ever for our participants to stay safe and work towards their independence.
- The cost of keeping survivors safe has increased. YWCA now provides more hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies than usual, constructed mechanisms for social distancing, and more. Many participants have also faced job-loss so YWCA strives to provide them with necessary items such as food, hygiene items, clothes, and more.
About Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®
YWCA Walk A Mile in Her Shoes® is a pledge-based fundraiser where men walk in high heels to raise awareness of issues of family violence. Funds raised will support services for survivors of family violence and sexual assault at YWCA's Sara McKnight Transitional Living Center. The TLC provides housing, case management, life skills, education opportunities, and much more to women and their children who are experiencing homelessness. The majority of women and families who live at the TLC are survivors of some domestic violence, abuse, or other trauma. Walk A Mile in Her Shoes® benefits these women and children and makes it possible for them to achieve independence and a second chance.
Learn more about how this event affects lives:
Date & Time
Monday, October 12 - Sunday, October 25
$25 general registration
$20 student/military registration
General Registration: $25
Register and receive this year's official Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® t-shirt and socks. When you raise an additional $125 (or $150 total) before October 5th, you will receive a free pair of signature red high heels for your photos. This year's event is virtual but you are still encouraged to fundraise and slip on your heels and walk to make a difference! Tag your photos #ywcawalkamile or send your photos to and all your hard work will be shared!
General Registration for Student/Military: $20
Register and receive this year's official Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® t-shirt and socks. When you raise an additional $130 (or $150 total)before October 5th, you will receive a free pair of signature red high heels for your photos. This year's event is virtual but you are still encouraged to fundraise and slip on your heels and walk to make a difference! Send your photos to and all your hard work will be shared!
Registration Special Guest: No Fees
This category requires prearrangement with event organizer